top ten books on my tbr to read

Ten Books on My Physical (And Digital) Shelves That I Really Need to Read!

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme that was created by The Broke and Bookish, and is now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl!

TTT is one of the memes I’ve missed during my blogging hiatus! I don’t think I’ll be able to participate every week, but I love this week’s topic, so here I am!

In case you don’t know, I went through a 6-year-long reading slump, so I have a crap ton of books on my shelves that I haven’t even thought about reading for a while. This week’s TTT gave me the chance to go through my shelves to pick out some of the books I still really want to read! That being said, a lot of these titles are going to be some older YA books!

For the first set of books still sitting around on my physical TBR, we have here a bunch of sequels that I wasn’t able to get around to before my reading slump:

  • Winter by Marissa Meyer: II think I remember attempting to read Winter, but I just never got around to finishing it. Maybe I read it too far apart from when I read the first three and just lost interest. I’m still hoping to give it another shot, though!
  • Wildcard by Marie Lu: I would say Marie Lu is in my Top Ten Authors I Missed During My Reading Slump. I do plan to reread Warcross so I can finish this duology, and same for The Young Elites because I haven’t read the second and third books yet (though I don’t own copies yet, which is why they aren’t on this list)! 🥳
  • Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi: Children of Blood and Bone was a 5- star read for me, but it just felt like the sequel took forever to come out, so I lost interest. I got the second book on sale for like $2 though, so I might reread book one to get to this!

Next up, we have a few older titles that aren’t sequels:

  • Dark Shores by Danielle L. Jensen: If you know me at all, you know that Danielle Jensen has written two of my favorite series (Stolen Songbird and The Bridge Kingdom — though I’ve only read the first two books of the latter). I tried to read Dark Shores some time ago but couldn’t get into it, so I put it on hold. However, I didn’t like Jensen’s last book, A Fate Inked in Blood, so there is a chance that I was just in denial in will end up not liking this as well. 🥺)
  • An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir: I’ve been WAITING to read this since before it was even released. It’s a behemoth of a book though, which intimidates me. 😂 THIS YEAR, I PROMISE.
  • We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal: Same with An Ember in the Ashes! Though for this, I’m not sure if I’ll read it this year. Thoughts?
  • The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert: This is another book I got on sale for like $2. I don’t even remember anything about it.

Just to keep things new, I’m also adding in a few ebooks I got at the start of the year:

  • Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater: I’m finally getting into more non-YA books this year! This sounds like a cutesy historical fantasy, which is quickly becoming my go-to genre if I want to read something I know I’ll love. 💕
  • The Red Palace by June Hur: I LOVED A Crane Among Wolves (it’s one of TWO 5-star reads for me this year) and am now pretty much open to reading anything by this author.
  • One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig: I’m ending this post on what I think will be my next read after my current one! Just so curious about this!

And that’s it!

This isn’t even half of the books I have on my physical and ebook TBRs, but these are some of the ones I feel like I’ll still get to eventually. Have you read any of them? Are any of them on your TBRs as well? Leave me links to YOUR TTT posts this week! 💕

16 responses to “Ten Books on My Physical (And Digital) Shelves That I Really Need to Read!”

  1. Annemieke Avatar

    I still need to read We Hunt the Flame as well. It was so hyped when it came out though I kind of stepped back and never bought it. I got a second-hand copy a while ago though.

  2. Riv @ Dear Rivarie Avatar

    I just finished A Crane Among Wolves and it was so good! Would highly recommend The Red Palace, it was my first June Hur book and the atmosphere is absolutely immaculate!!

  3. Caro @ bookcheshirecat Avatar

    I just finished Half a Soul last month and I really enjoyed it!! It was whimsical, funny and romantic, the perfect blend 🥰 I really liked the Warcross Duology, I hope you enjoy the finale as well!

  4. Charlotte Avatar

    I’m glad you managed to get over your reading slump. I struggled with one on and off for a long time too, so I truly am buried in books right now and can relate.

    Snap with The Young Elites although I haven’t read any of them yet. I have the first as an ebook though and really hope to get to it sometime soon.

    Children Of Blood & Bone is another I haven’t read yet but there’s a third out later this year so I’m hoping to get to the first two before then.

    Ooh I finally read the Ember In The Ashes series last year and loved it. Fingers crossed that you will too 🤞

    We Hunt The Flame is another that I’ve got to read too 🙈 I did adore the authors latest book though so maybe that will push me to finally pick it up.

    I loved The Hazel Wood but still need to read its sequel and companion. I have no clue how with the companion in particular as that sounded like everything I long for in a book.

    Snap on Red Palace too. I brought it when it came out then somehow never read it. But after A Crane Among Wolves I know that I need too. I also really want to read The Forest Of Stolen Girls but I don’t own that one and my library doesn’t have it. Maybe I’ll treat myself to it once my TBR is a bit more under control & I’ve read Red Palace.

  5. Kat @ Bookish Blades Avatar

    Ohh so many good books on your TBR! We Hunt the Flame is one of my all time favourite series. It has such gorgeous prose and a really interesting world, too!! And The Red Palace was one of my favourites a few years ago. I can’t remember when it was released but I read it back then and I don’t even like reading crime but the mix of history, crime and June Hur’s writing were such a great combo!

  6. Dedra @ A Book Wanderer Avatar

    I’ve read Winter and An Ember in the Ashes, both I recommend! Now, it’s been years since I read Ember and I need to read the second book in the series, which has appeared on so many of my TBRs. So I understand where you’re coming from. Ha! I hope you get to pick a few of these up soon!

  7. Jodie | That Happy Reader Avatar

    I hope that you enjoy all of these Aimee!

  8. Marie Avatar

    Right here with you about We Hunt the Flame, I’ve had this one on my TBR for AGES. I should read it… eventually ahah. Good to see you back to blogging!! <3

  9. A Voracious Reader Avatar

    I’ve heard of Winter, but not the other books. I wish you great reading energy to knock out at least one (maybe more?) of your reading list!

  10. A Voracious Reader Avatar

    I’ve heard of Winter, but not the other books. I wish you great reading energy to knock out at least one (maybe more?) of your list!

  11. agreatreviewer Avatar

    OOoh nice! I loved Winter! The Hazel Wood was great! Wildcard too, though it’s getting harder to remember that one! lol. Loved An Ember in the Ashes quartet too! I still need to read One Dark Window though! Great picks all around!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  12. Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard Avatar

    Winter was a good conclusion to the Lunar Chronicles; I enjoyed it, though maybe not as much as I loved Cinder. I have a copy of The Hazel Wood I should read, and also Half a Soul. I hope that you find some books to love and get excited about among these!

  13. Rissi Avatar

    I read Warcross back in the day and was surprised I enjoyed it, and I think the same applied to Wildcard. It was a fun series as I remember so while it was an unusual series for me to read, I’m glad I read them. 🙂 Hope you enjoy ALL of these once you pick up reading again and enjoy them. Thanks a bunch for visiting my website this week, too.

  14. Beatrice @ Confessions of a Pinay Bookaholic Avatar

    I love An Ember in the Ashes but I forgot the story because I got distracted by the time I am supposed to read the second books. I hope you will love Wildcard. It’s polarizing from most people I knew in the book community.

  15. Louise @ Monstrumology Avatar

    I hope you enjoy Wildcard when you get around to it 🙂 One Dark Window sounds really interesting so I’ll have to put it on my TBR.

  16. Haze Avatar

    I totally get losing interest if you have to wait too long for the next book. I loved Children of Blood and Bone too, but dnf’d Children of Virtue and Vengeance because I really didn’t like one of the characters and just couldn’t read more about them. 😬


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