aimee can read intro

Hi, I’m Aimee! Let Me Re-introduce Myself to the Bookish Community!

Hi, loves! 💖 I just came to the realization that I’ve re-started blogging for a bit over a month at this point, and I haven’t really re-introduced myself as a (kind-of) new blogger!

So to those who didn’t know me back when I was a book blogger in 2013 – 2018(?)—hi, I’m Aimee! If you want to know a little bit more about my reading/blogging journey, I have a post where I talked about how I’ve changed as a reader/blogger over the years.

In this post, however, I’ll talk more about me as a person, my reading and blogging preferences, and a few other things you might want to know about me! Please do the same and introduce yourself in the comments (or link me to an introduction post you have so I can check it out)! 😊

Let’s get all of the basics out of the way!

I’m a 24-year-old (turning 25 on August 20th), Filipino-Chinese reader from the Philippines. My personality type is ISFJ-T. I’d say I’m more of an ambivert, though. And I’m the most T (Turbulent) person to ever exist. 😂

I took Accounting in senior high school and was bored out of my mind, so I took Computer Science in university, and I currently work in the tech/engineering industry as a software developer. Let’s go, women in STEM. 💞

I’m socially anxious (I’d probably be a full-on extrovert otherwise), but I’m also pretty talkative and can be an over-sharer once I get comfortable with someone. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to things I’m passionate about; generally, though, I’m very much a go-with-the-flow type of person!

And this is how I became a reader…

I keep telling people that I didn’t grow up reading as a child, but I guess I kind of did, even though being a reader at the time just meant re-reading Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham over and over. 😂 But here’s how I became a book addict.

Does anyone know the Red Riding Hood movie (yes, the one starring Amanda Seyfried) that came out in 2011? Yeah, I really wanted to see that movie in theaters (I totally loved fairytale retellings even way back then!), but no one wanted to see it with me. 😭

red riding hood movie 2011

We were at a local bookstore one day, picking out some school supplies, when I came across a book based on the screenplay. Anyway, I was pretty sure no one was going to watch the movie with me, so I, despite being a self-proclaimed non-reader and kind-of book hater at the time, decided that maybe I’ll read the book.

And lo and behold, when I finished the book, I kept going back to the bookstore for more! I believe I read I Am Number Four next, and that’s when I discovered the young adult genre and fell in love. I’m not sure how I discovered the book community after that, so I’ll just say the rest is history. 😂

What can you expect from this blog?

Work-life balance is pretty good at my job, which is why I randomly decided that I wanted to get back into blogging. Of course, that doesn’t mean I can be as active in the community as I used to be! I’m going to try to only blog about things I want to, rather than relying on a fixed schedule of posts like I used to back in the day. For this blog, that probably means:

  • I’ll be posting more bookish discussions and book lists rather than book reviews. My book reviews are all on my Goodreads anyway!
  • I probably won’t post book reviews for individual books, unless I have a lot to say (I’m looking at you, Fourth Wing that I need to do a looong rant on). I’d rather post series reviews, or mini reviews of similar books / books from the same genre on the blog. Again, I just feel like Goodreads is a better place to post single reviews.
  • I’m hoping to do more graphic design! I used to make wallpapers and bookmarks for books I loved back in my old blog, and I hope I can find the time to start that up again. Maybe I can throw in some cover redesigns or similar ideas. I do still have a Redbubble store up with some old designs too. 😅
  • I’m going to suck at responding to comments on here, because I prefer to use my spare time to comment on your blogs, but I’m currently thinking of a system where I can do both effectively. Maybe I’ll respond to comments here at the end of every month or something? Let me know how to manage your time, please! 😭

What kind of books do I like to read now?

Since coming out of The Great Reading Slump, I’ve become way more of a mood reader than ever. I think that’s an effect of coming out of a huge reading slump, though. Maybe it’s my brain’s way of trying to avoid another one!

As of now, I’ve really been reading mostly fantasy, romance, and science fiction. I read across age groups from YA to adult. If we’re talking time periods, I love both historical fiction and futuristic fiction… so I don’t really have a preference when it comes to that, either. 😂

I used to be able to read thrillers in between my usual genres, but I haven’t felt like it lately. Shoot me some recommendations in the comments if you have any!

Oh! And I also read manga/manhwa occasionally in between novels as a quick palette cleanser. I’ve only recently (this year) discovered manhwa, so that’s what I’ve been reading more. Historical fantasies seem to be popular for manhwa, which is, luckily, my favorite subgenre right now. 💖 (Again, shoot me some completed manhwa recs in the comments please!)

What else do I enjoy aside from reading?

K-pop has taken over my brain since my The Great Reading Slump! Monsta X, SHINee, Day6, EXO, Twice, and Itzy are some faves. I also enjoy watching Asian dramas (C-dramas or K-dramas), though I haven’t really been in the mood for that these past few months.

I absolutely adore graphic design, though I’m so out of practice! I think this interest started in my Wattpad era, which was when I discovered Photoshop and learned how to use it. I vaguely remember making book covers for other people. I Googled my old Wattpad username and remembered that I made this cover for a popular story with over 2.8M views. Please excuse how ugly it is. I was probably 11 or 12 when I made that. 😂 But yeah, I’ve loved graphic design ever since. 😊

I love fashion and bought a sewing machine last year but still haven’t gotten around to actually using it. 😭 It’s always so intimidating to start a new hobby, especially one that does have a pretty steep learning curve (at least I think so)!

What else… oh, I actually do enjoy photography despite not having any equipment or decent backgrounds to work with at home. I’m trying to work on building my bookstagram back up, so let me know your accounts in the comments and let’s be bookstagram buddies!

That’s underwhelmingly it. 😂 I wish I could list down some adventurous, high-energy hobbies on here, but I’m pretty much a socially anxious hermit IRL!

Let’s chat!

Tell me all about YOU! Do we have any hobbies or preferences in common? How long have you been around the bookish community? Were you already active in the community when I was around 2014?

Feel free to tweet about this post if you liked it!

Get to know this socially awkward book blogger who loves all things fantasy, romance, and science fiction-- @aimeecanread! Share on X

29 responses to “Hi, I’m Aimee! Let Me Re-introduce Myself to the Bookish Community!”

  1. […] @ Aimee Can Read reintroduced herself to the blogging community 🩷She also wrote a rant review on The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yaros, […]

  2. Marie Avatar

    If you ever find out how to manage your time please share, because it’s so hard and it gets harder as you grow up 😭😭 in other news it’s SO GREAT to see you back and I’m just so, so happy to read your blog posts. Here’s to many more months & years of blogging!! <3

  3. […] Hi, I’m Aimee! Let Me Re-introduce Myself to the Bookish Community! (Aimee @ aimeecanread) […]

  4. Rissi Avatar

    Welcome back! It’s so fun to see you return and read more about what we’ll see in your space. 🙂 Cannot wait to see what you have planned, and many thanks for visiting my website yesterday. Always love chatting with fellow readers and fangirls. 🙂

  5. Kat @ Bookish Blades Avatar

    Welcome back! 🙂 I quite like your designs and just bookmarked your shop for when I’ll put in a redbubble order again 🙂
    Sewing is kind of intimidating… I did a course a few years ago, got my grandma’s sewing machine and used it once ahaha

  6. buffywnabe Avatar

    Welcome back! Like you I am an introvert, but when I get to know someone I start to overshare, a lot, lol. Will be glad to keep up with how your reading is going! I was never into graphic design, I’m not much of an artist, but boy do I love playing around with Canva and making stuff on there!

  7. Celeste | A Literary Escape Avatar

    Welcome back to blogging Aimee!! I am also a woman in STEM and basically took that path since middle school. I’m a mood reader, too, though I try to keep a loose reading schedule just so I at least read the ARCs I request (otherwise I’d feel too guilty if I didn’t read them). Most of what I read is fantasy with occasional spurts of other genres.

  8. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books Avatar

    So the question is, did you ever get to see the Red Riding Hood movie after reading the book? 🙂 Such a fun post and a great way to learn more about you. Love your designs on Redbubble… I’d say you’re great at graphic design!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  9. Krysta Avatar

    Your journey as a reader is epic! I love that it shows how movies and books are just different types of storytelling and not opposed!

  10. Samantha @WLABB Avatar

    I love your reader origin story. I feel like I was always reading. We didn’t have a lot of money but we had access to a library and lots of books.

  11. Elsie LMC Avatar

    Love the story behind you becoming more of a reader!! And I love kpop too, think it was a great idea for you to re-introduce yourself as I really enjoyed reading through, great post! ✨️💗

  12. Leslie Avatar

    I love this post! I’m such a mood reader and it is not fun sometimes. I feel slumpy so much! haha. I’m glad that you found your way back though. I do think I want to change up how I blog too. I always want to do more discussion posts, but I feel like no one ever engages with them! The only reviews I do now are ARC’s. I used to review every book I read and that was a fast way to burn out on blogging. I stopped doing that a couple years ago and it’s been so nice. I kind of just keep my personal books for my own enjoyment. 🙂 It was great getting to know you better! 🙂

  13. blodeuedd Avatar

    I love how that made you become a reader! Yay that you found reading. Too bad no one wanted to go see the movie though :/ I honestly do not even know if I have seen it!

  14. ratmom Avatar

    I have social anxiety and agoraphobia. I am loving KPOP right now too. There are so many good songs.
    I’m 54, a mother and grandma. I have a 10 year old dog, Falcor. I used to have hamsters, rats, gerbils and mice.
    I blog a lot. I usually have a new post each day. I blog about a lot of different things. Sunday’s are for the crazy things that happen around my apartment complex and street.

    I break up my comments on other blogs to 20 blog visits per day. That’s how I maintain commenting on a bunch of blogs that I like to visit. That gives me time to respond to comments left on my blog too.

  15. Rachel @Waves of Fiction Avatar
    Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Of course, I’m now restricted from following anyone on Instagram since last night. Just checked to see if I could follow you and nope. Instagram can be such a pain in the butt! I’ll get you when I’m not restricted.

  16. Rachel @Waves of Fiction Avatar
    Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    I have social anxiety, too, but you probably wouldn’t know it if I talked to you in person. I get nervous and overshare, too! I wish I was more handy with things like Photoshop. I’ve always loved reading, but really got into it when Twilight came out and then discovered Goodreads. I think I follow you on Instagram, maybe? I’ll check and if not I’ll give you a follow there! Welcome back to the blogging world. While I do enjoy taking photos (for Instagram, hate doing reels!!) blogging is my favorite way to talk books! 🙂

  17. Charlotte Avatar

    That’s amazing that you’re a software developer, it sounds fascinating but complex. And unfortunately I have social anxiety too /: I’d love to help with suggestions on how to fit everything in but I struggle as well. I generally keep up with comments but really need to find more time to blog hop.

    Did you ever get to see the Red Riding Hood movie? And I really need to read I Am Number Four one day. I’ve been trying to think of popular books & series that I need to check out recently and totally forgot about that one.

    Redesigning covers sounds like fun. I’d love to see some one day.

    I mostly read fantasy books but I do want to try and start checking out more Sci fi as well. I do read thrillers but not as often as I should really. I have so many high priority fantasy reads that I kind of keep forgetting about those 🙈

    Good luck getting the hang of your sewing machine. I’ve made a few dog bandanas in the past but would be way too terrified to try actual clothes. Although there are lots of patterns avaliable so I guess that helps. And new hobbies are always daunting to start with. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it. I did kind of start crotchet but need to start again as I was only just getting the hang of the basics 😅 I love cross stitch though.

  18. Barb @ Booker T's Farm Avatar
    Barb @ Booker T’s Farm

    Thanks for visiting my blog last week and welcome back. I work full-time from home so I blog when I can. I took a few years off around 2021 but got back into it strong this year. I read all kinds of genres from all age groups. I love horror and speculative fiction, but also enjoy romance and ANYTHING featuring a dog – as long as it lives. I have 2 4-legged children who I feature a lot on my blog. I also enjoy movies, music and crafty stuff.

  19. yvonne473 Avatar

    Welcome back to the blogging world!

  20. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer Avatar

    This was a great re-intro. I am an introverted extrovert. I get socially anxious, but warm up, if I manage to actually go….lol

  21. Angela @ Literary Wanderer Avatar

    Welcome back, but also, nice to meet you! I didn’t start my blog until 2016, so we wouldn’t have come across each other then, probably! Just friended you on IG!

  22. Tasya @ The Literary Huntress Avatar

    Oh my god… Is it bad I didn’t make the connection between your present and past blog??? I thought you are two different Aimees 😭😭😭 I looooove your graphics, really excited if you start making them again (no pressure though!) <3 It’s nice to see some familiar voices coming back to blogging! <3

  23. Kyles - Bookish Me Avatar

    Welcome back from one socially anxious hermit to another. 🙂

  24. Teri Polen Avatar

    Welcome back, Aimee!

  25. themoonphoenix Avatar

    Hi Aimee, how good to know more things about you. I am a graphic designer and in my free time, I sell bookish designs on redubbles too, it is a way to make money to buy more books 😀

  26. Jodie | That Happy Reader Avatar

    It’s so nice to get to know more about you! Thank you for your support on my blog. I look forward to interacting more with you in the future!

  27. Rebecca Avatar

    This was such a fun re-intro! As someone who also had a “regular” book blog many moons ago, when I transitioned back into blogging last year I decided to mix it up. Now I’ve got bookish stuff and life stuff mixed together – between learning how to be a beekeeper and gardening (and reading books about homesteading) there’s a lot of life to cover! 🙃 Here’s to figuring out our new blog routines and personas! And all the books 💕

  28. Tammy Avatar

    It’s great to get to know you better😁 And yay for being in STEM! (I’m not, but I love women who are) I recently moved to the mountains and my company is allowing me to work from home. I am a project manager working for an office design/furniture dealership. We sell furniture to literally everyone, mostly the studios like Disney and Warner Bros. And I honestly don’t mind if you don’t reply to my comments, I know it’s a lot of work😁

  29. Ani Avatar

    Hi Aimee, welcome back 😀

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