2024 reading challenges 1

This Mood Reader with a Short Attention Span Accepts These Challenges! (Can You Read a Series in a Month?, 10 Books of Summer)

Hi, everyone! Today, I’m committing to TWO bookish reading challenges. I know, me with the horrible attention span and extreme mood reading tendencies… Yep, me. I recently catalogued all the series I’ve read, and the ratio of completed to abandoned is… *shudders* (more of that in a separate post maybe next month), so when I saw that Berls & Michelle @ Because Reading were hosting a Can you read a series in a Month? challenge, I felt like it was the universe telling me to read a series end-to-end. 😂 THEN I saw a handful of people signing up for Cathy @ 746books‘s 20 Books of Summer challenge (which is on its 10th year anniversary!), and was like, sure, let’s go!

This is just my sign-up post for both challenges.

Here’s how I chose my series for Can You Read a Series in a Month? challenge:

This challenge runs from June 1st to June 30th. Rules and sign ups are here. Here’s a bit of my thought process for how I finally made up my mind:

  • I know I have a bunch of series I’ve started and still want to finish, but I kind of wanted a *new* series to read for this challenge. Something where I might be going in kind of blind, just so I don’t have a lot of preconceived notions about it.
  • I was definitely feeling a dystopian series for this challenge. I feel like I haven’t read many dystopian books recently!
  • I wanted to choose something I probably wouldn’t have picked up on a whim. Something I’m slightly intimidated by, but really want to try.

…So I decided on The Broken Earth trilogy! *quakes in fear*

the fifth season by nk jemisin
the obelisk gate by nk jemisin
the stone sky by nk jemisin

I’ve been seeing a couple of people whose tastes I trust loving The Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jemisin. And I’m definitely intrigued by the concept. I know it’s heavy, and people say that it can get confusing, so I’m kind of scared to pick it up. BUT that’s the challenge part, right? I’m not sure if I’ll be able to read all three books in one go, or if I’ll need some buffers in between, but either way, I hope I love it.

And here are the books I’ll be reading for the *10* Books of Summer challenge:

This challenge is just to encourage readers to cross off 20 books from their TBRs in the span of three months. It runs from June 1st to September 1st. Rules and sign ups are here.

The host did say that the number is flexible, so I’m going with 10. A quick note for why I’m going with only 10 books: I KNOW I can read more than 10 books in this timeframe, but for this challenge to really cross off items on my current TBR, I’ll only be counting books I list here for the challenge. I won’t let any sudden mood reads or NEW TBR additions count, and I won’t swap out any books. 😂

warcross by marie lu
wildcard by marie lu

If you know me at all, the Legend trilogy (series?) is one of my all-time favorites, and I’ve been wanting to read everything Marie Lu has written since then. I was thinking that I should take the time to catch up with her other dystopian series. I need to finish both Warcross ans The Young Elites, but for this challenge, I’m going for 1.) Warcross (which will be a re-read) and 2.) Wildcard.

the dragon republic rf kuang
the burning god rf kuang

I also just finished The Poppy War and am definitely going to finish the rest of the trilogy, so I’m adding 3.) The Dragon Republic and 4.) The Burning God to the mix.

the red palace june hur
iron widow xiran jay zhao
powerless lauren roberts
piranesi susanna clarke

I have couple more “wildcards” here (AKA, I don’t really know how to categorize them) to read. We have:

5.) The Red Palace because I absolutely adored A Crane Among Wolves and will basically read anything this woman writes,
6.) Iron Widow because I just purchased a physical copy and need to guilt myself into reading it,
7.) Powerless because FOMO, and
8.) Piranesi because my cousin recommended it to me!

to the bone alena bruzas
this fatal kiss alicia jasinska

Lastly, I’ll throw these 2 ARCs in here, which are both September releases! So my last two reads for the challenge are 9.) To the Bone, and 10.) This Fatal Kiss.

Let’s chat!

Do you think these picks are good ones? Have you read The Broken Earth trilogy? Have you read my picks for the 10 books of summer challenge? Are you doing any challenges? Let me know your thoughts and please hype me up in the comments! 💖

30 responses to “This Mood Reader with a Short Attention Span Accepts These Challenges! (Can You Read a Series in a Month?, 10 Books of Summer)”

  1. […] 10 Books of Summer – 2/10 books. I read Iron Widow and Powerless which were both unfortunately very disappointing. I’m currently reading This Fatal Kiss, and I finally got my cousin’s copy of Piranesi here with me, so I’ll probably finish this challenge with 4/10 books read… oops. I don’t think I’ll read the rest of the books this summer bc of my aforementioned busy August schedule. […]

  2. Charlotte Avatar

    Well done on managing the first of these challenge. I remember seeing you mentioned the series that you were reading. And good luck with your ten picks for summer too. So many of those books are on my TBR but the main one is the Red Palace having also adores A Crane Among Wolves. And one of the books you mentioned but didn’t list, Young Elite, as I’ve owned the first ebook for years now.

  3. […] out my sign-up post for these where I talked about why I chose these books for these […]

  4. […] this book for the longest time and was shocked by how engrossed I was in it. I read this for the Can you read a series in a month? book […]

  5. Caro @ bookcheshirecat Avatar

    Good luck with the challenges, they sound like fun! 🥰 I still need to read The Fifth Season as well, but I’m super intimidated by the series as well 😱 I hope you end up enjoying Wildcard, I love the series 😊

  6. Yvonne (It's All About Books) Avatar

    I’m SO bad at actually finishing series as well! Even if I enjoy the first book(s), somehow it still takes me ages to actually finish them haha. Good luck with both challenges!

  7. […] was planning to do a June TBR section for this post, but my last post was also a sign up post for a few reading challenges for June to September, so I feel like I was just going to repeat a few of the books on […]

  8. ER LeVar Avatar

    I always feel the urge to jump on book challenges, but I know my schedule won’t really let it happen! Maybe after I’m done with my dissertation I can look at doing something. Excited to see what you think about To the Bone! I’ve just started my ARC of that one this week.

  9. Rachel @Waves of Fiction Avatar
    Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Good luck on your new reading challenges! I’ve read and enjoyed Marie Lu in the past.

  10. Dini @ dinipandareads Avatar

    This looks like a great list of books to tackle for these challenges! The Broken Earth trilogy has me quaking in my boots as well. I think I’ve had The Fifth Wave on my TBR for years now and I really want to read it but as the biggest mood reader, I fear my mood will change before picking it up 😂 I hope you love them though! They’re so well rated. I finished TPW series earlier this year and wow, it was a loooot but it was also amazing and hurt me in the best ways. I hope you enjoy the rest of that journey! Piranesi is also on my to-read list and I was hoping to pick it up soon. Keen to see what you’ll think of that one. Best of luck on these challenges and happy reading, Aimee!

  11. ratmom Avatar

    The only challenge I do is the Goodreads challenge. I have mine set at 100 books to read by the end of the year.

  12. Haze Avatar

    Omg whyyy?? 😅 I had been doing so well resisting the Summer Challenge, and now you’re posting about reading a series in a month challenge?? I am actually planning to read a series in June, but I don’t wanna jinx it by signing up for a challenge to do it because then I’d feel the pressure! 😂 Good luck to you for both these challenges though! I’m gonna bug out before I lose my will power!


  13. the bookworm Avatar

    These are fun challenges, enjoy and happy reading!

  14. Cindy Davis Avatar

    I didn’t know it was a challenge, but I am reading a series now. I finished the first, loved it, went right into the second, LOL. I am on a trip, so I brought the third with me 🙂

  15. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz Avatar

    Sending good luck your way! Hoping you accomplish both goals!!

  16. madeline @ The Bookish Mutant Avatar

    as a fellow mood reader, I salute you for taking on all these challenges!! you’ve got a bunch of great series lined up—warcross and the broken earth trilogy are both so fantastic!! hope you enjoy them both!

  17. themoonphoenix Avatar

    Sounds like a busy but fun summer, good luck and hope you find new favorites 🙂

  18. Samantha @WLABB Avatar

    Good luck with your challenges. I loved the Marie Lu books.

  19. Veronica Palacios Avatar
    Veronica Palacios

    Good Luck! wow not only are you gonna tackle the Broken Earth Trilogy but you might also finish another series with The Poppy War that’s impressive! & Both To The Bone and This Fatal Kiss look so good!

  20. Rebecca Avatar

    The cover of This Fatal Kiss is ALL the heart eyes!!
    Good luck with your challenges! 🙂

  21. Leslie Avatar

    I am terrible with challenges because of my mood reading! The fifth season has been on my TBR for SO long. It’s even worse now with my kiddos!! haha. I might try to do more next year when my oldest starts full day school. I wish you the best of luck and hope you can get through all of these!!!

  22. Cathy746books Avatar

    Thanks for taking part Aimee. Happy Reading!

  23. Sophia (Bookwyrming Thoughts) Avatar

    TWO reading challenges?! You’re a brave soul and I commend you. 🫡 Good luck!

    I only read Iron Widow and enjoyed, but not as much as everyone else sadly. But it was fun and I’m looking forward to the sequel (I love Xiran’s middle-grade though).

  24. Rissi Avatar

    I don’t think I would do well at any challenge. It’d probably put me to “in my head” and afraid I’d fail before I’d give it a chance. 😉 I admire those who make it work. And I read the Warcross books several years ago. They aren’t really my genre, but much to my surprise, I did enjoy it.

  25. Joanna @ TheGeekishBrunette Avatar
    Joanna @ TheGeekishBrunette

    I have The Broken Earth trilogy on my tbr! I always see good things about it. Love The Poppy War series!

  26. Louise Avatar

    To the Bone looks so intriguing and mysterious! Looking it up now!

  27. Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies Avatar

    The Broken Earth trilogy has been on my to-read list for years, and I always hear such great things. I hope you enjoy! I loved Piranesi, definitely unlike anything else I’ve ever read. Good luck with your challenges!

  28. Angela @ Literary Wanderer Avatar

    These sound like great challenges! I like that you tailored the 20 Books of Summer for yourself – I think 10 is a good number because it will allow you to throw in mood reads if you want to go off-challenge for a bit!

  29. Tammy Avatar

    I’ve read the Broken Earth Trilogy, and it’s excellent! They are big books, though, and not quick reads. But for a challenge I think it’s the perfect choice. Good luck!

  30. Hannah Avatar

    I keep hearing such good things about iron widow – and the cover of this fatal kiss is gorgeous! I need it on that alone 😍

    good luck with finishing a series! This is one I’ve been meaning to start, so looking forward to what you make of it 😄

Let's chat! 🙂

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