may 2024 wrap up

Raging Wars, Hot Cowboys, and a Long Overdue Book Haul (May Reading Wrap-up)

Hi, loves! Welcome to my first monthly wrap-up on the blog! I debated on whether or not I was going to add some personal life updates on here, but I didn’t really do much this month aside from experiencing a few hiccups at my day job (I work as a software developer!), which will be incredibly uninteresting, so I’ll skip that for this month. 🙂


May was a rollercoaster of emotions… I read 10 books with an average rating of 3 stars.

Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Happily Never After by Lynn Painter
Mindf*ck by ST Abby
Out on a Limb by Hannah Bonam-Young
Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
Flawless by Elsie Silver
  • Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater (⭐⭐⭐): I loved the concept, but the execution was a bit lacking. It was way lighter than it could have been. Overall still a fun read though, and I’ll read the other books in the world when I need something chill and charming.
  • The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang (⭐⭐⭐): I’m truly so conflicted about this one. There were a few things that I enjoyed, but there were also a few things I found to be inconsistent (*cough* Rin’s characterization *cough*), and a few things I wished were explored more. There are still two more books in the series though, and I’ll get to those this year!
  • Flawless by Elsie Silver (⭐⭐): It gave ✨ male chauvinism ✨.
Release by Aly Martinez
Reclaim by Aly Martinez
  • Release by Aly Martinez (⭐⭐⭐⭐): I read this on a whim because of a freaking Reddit comment I randomly came across, and I’M SO HAPPY THAT I DID. 🥺 The angst was SO good, and this was also one of the rare books where I loved the FMC more than the MMC.
  • Reclaim by Aly Martinez (⭐⭐⭐½): This is a sequel standalone to Release with a different main couple, and I immediately jumped back to loving the MMC WAYYY more than the FMC. Camden Cole, you are adorable.

I also bought new books to read in June (maybe)!

I was planning to do a June TBR section for this post, but my last post was also a sign up post for a few reading challenges for June to September, so I feel like I was just going to repeat a few of the books on there.

Coincidentally, after years of not buying a single new physical book, I went to two separate book sales in May, and I’ll share the books I got instead! Maybe I’ll read some in June? Let’s see!

May book haul: A Far Wilder Magic by Allison Saft, Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao, Little Thieves by Margaret Owen, The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas, All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir, The Hidden Palace by Helene Wecker

I missed taking bookish photos! I’m on bookstagram @aimeecanread! Leave a comment with your bookstagram accounts as well please…

  • Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao + Little Thieves by Margaret Owen: Both of these were already on my TBR before (it sounds like they’re going to feature awesome women, and obviously, I’m THERE), then I saw that Rachel (Reads With Rachel) loves these books… and I was sold. I had to get them.
  • The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas: I’ve heard amazing things about Cemetery Boys by this author, but for some reason, this book called to me more. And I really miss reading mythology-based fantasies.
  • All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir: I know I kind of hated An Ember in the Ashes, but maybe I’ll vibe with Sabaa’s contemporary romance book more. I’ve heard amazing things. Plus the price was such a steal that I couldn’t resist.
  • I also got a copy of The Hidden Palace by Helene Wecker… without having a copy and without having read The Golem and the Jinni yet. I guess this was a way to force myself to read book 1 eventually, since I already got a copy of the sequel (and at such a good price)! 😂

And before you leave, check out these other bookish posts I loved in May! 😊

I enjoyed so many bookish posts this May, but I’m so bad at bookmarking that these were only some of the ones I loved! (I’ll try to be better about this in June!) 💖 Feel free to share some of your favorite bookish posts in the comments as well. 😊

Let’s chat!

Any books on here that you’ve read or want to read? What was your favorite read of May (please pitch it to me)! 💖 Have an awesome June, loves!

28 responses to “Raging Wars, Hot Cowboys, and a Long Overdue Book Haul (May Reading Wrap-up)”

  1. atvērt binance kontu Avatar

    Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

  2. Charvi Avatar

    Awww thanks for including my post!
    Sounds like you bought some lovely books (always rooting for Iron Widow!!) and I especially hope you enjoy Sabaa’s newer work. I haven’t yet read it but have heard great things about it 😀

  3. Ellie Warren Avatar

    That’s so weird, WordPress just sent me a notification that you’d linked to my blog. I was about to thank you when I see I’ve already been here and done that. Maybe I’m stuck in a time loop!

  4. buffywnabe Avatar

    Ah, I’m said you didn’t like the Lynn Painter book, I enjoyed it! I liked Ember in the Ashes, but never read on in the series. All My Rage is a contemporary romance, kind of, I won’t say it has an HEA though. But it was good. Very emotional. Sounds like you had a pretty good month otherwise. Hope June is going well so far!

  5. Abi @ Scribbles & Stories Avatar

    I actually DNFed An Ember in the Ashes, so you did better than me to even finish it 😂 The Poppy War is one of those books I always think I’ll get to one day. And I own a copy of Little Thieves, but I’ve had it years and haven’t read it yet 🙈 I hope you get some great reads in June! 💖

  6. Susy's Cozy World Avatar

    New books!! 😍 I have just finished One Dark Window, and it was all your fault!! Anyway, I hope you’ll have a great June!!

  7. Leslie Avatar

    You had a great reading month!! I love your haul and there’s some great books in that stack. I’ve been meaning to read All My Rage for years. lol Also, I just followed you on instagram (bookarethenewblack11)!! I hope you have a wonderful June! Congrats, on the first wrap up! 🙂

  8. Caro @ bookcheshirecat Avatar

    I’m glad that you got The Sunbearer Trials, it was such a fun Fantasy and the sequel/conclusion is coming out this year 🥰

    Thank you so much for sharing my post! ❤️

  9. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books Avatar

    I keep seeing so many raves for Out on a Limb. I definitely want to pick that one up. I have a friend that keep recommending Elsie Silver to me, but… meh. Not sure she’s my jam. Hope June is a great reading month for you!


  10. @lynnsbooks Avatar

    You had a good reading month – although I’m sure you would have liked a few more 4 or 5 star reads.
    I’ve read the Olivia Atwater book you read. I think my favourite of hers to date has been Small Miracles, which I highly recommend.
    Hope you have a lovely June.
    Lynn 😀

  11. hena Avatar

    I also did not love Sabaa Tahir’s fantasy series but have her contemporary book on my TBR. As a first gen I am curious to see how much I can relate to the story.

  12. Rebecca Avatar

    Pretty decent May! I read 6, with an average rating of 3.8-stars … brought down by a 2 1/2-star read that I really hoped would be a lot better than it was. I did have my first 5-star read since February though: Funny Story by Emily Henry. I listened to it on audio, and it was SO GOOD. A little outlandish in premise (fake dating to the extreme), but it was funny and her library-life descriptions were spot on.

    My insta: @thefarmwifereads 🙂

  13. Ani Avatar

    Great recap! I read The Poppy War a couple of months ago and I enjoyed it, although it’s nt my preferred genre, stil haven’t read the second one though!

  14. Rachel @Waves of Fiction Avatar
    Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Looks like you had a few good ones! Out on a Limb is one I’ve seen good things on. I hope you have some standouts in June!

  15. Liliana Avatar

    Oooh you had a really mixed month, but hopefully it wasn’t too bad? I hope you read ALL the amazong books in June!

  16. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader Avatar
    Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    I adored Iron Widow so I hope you’ll love it too! Also May was not a bad month all things considered!

  17. Morgan Avatar

    I’m excited to see what you’ll think about The Sunbearer Trials! I loved both of Aiden’s works so far, but I’ve yet to read this one!

  18. tasya @ the literary huntress Avatar

    Thank you for the shoutout! I enjoyed Iron Widow but just a heads up, it ends on a cliffhanger and it’s still unclear when the sequel will be released 🥺 I still hope you’ll enjoy it though and have a great June!

  19. Marie Avatar

    I’m sorry you had some hiccups at work this past month, hoping that everything has been sorted out! x I’m amazed you managed to read so much, but I hope that you’ll find better reads this upcoming month, looking forward to seeing them all!! Wishing you all the best for this new month! <3

  20. Dini @ dinipandareads Avatar

    Great wrap up! At least you had a few decent reads this month but I hope June will be better for you. That’s a nice haul that you got a well and I hope you enjoy all of those books whenever you get to them 🙂 Have a great June!

  21. Yvonne (It's All About Books) Avatar

    Looks like you had a bit of a mixed bag during May… I hope you will find more books you love in June! Great haul as well.

  22. Charlotte Avatar

    Thanks for mentioning my post 💗 I’m sorry to hear that you had mixed feelings with The Poppy War. And I admit that kind of makes me nervous as I really struggled with the book I’ve read by the author. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the sequels more though. I’m glad you enjoyed Release and Reclaim though.

    Ooh I loved Little Thieves and will hopfully be reading the sequel soon as I’ve just treater myself to it. I’ve also just read an Allison Saft book (A Dark & Drowning Tide) and thought it was fantastic so hopefully her YA books are just as good. Your other purchases are on my tbr too. I hope you enjoy all of them.

  23. ratmom Avatar

    I’ve gone a few months without buying new books but never years.

  24. Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders Avatar
    Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders

    Love that this is your first monthly wrap-up on the blog, I’ve been debating whether I should or not. What made you decide to post it on here? (just curious for my own decision-making process 😂) Your whole haul looks so exciting! Lots of good choices on there & I’m so excited for Paws and Portals, it looks amazing! (I love that you share your fav posts from other bloggers I’ll defs check some out 🙂 & My bookstagram is @dark.shelf.of.wonders .

  25. Hannah Avatar

    Wait. Years of not buying physical books? Teach me your ways!

    Sorry it was such a rollercoaster of a month. Here’s to hoping June is better! 🤗✨

  26. Samantha @WLABB Avatar

    Not a great month, but at least you had a few good ones. I hope next month is better.

  27. Ellie Warren Avatar

    Thanks for the mention of my book! I got both Iron Widow and Little Thieves in Illuminate boxes ages ago and still haven’t read either. Hence why I cancelled my subscription!

  28. Tammy Avatar

    Looks like a pretty good month! I didn’t care much for Half a Soul either, and decided not to read the rest of the series. I would love to read Iron Widow and Little Thieves, I always see positive reviews for them. Have a good month, Aimee!

Let's chat! 🙂

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